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1 week of energy research, clearing and feedback session


then schedule feedback session here 

why have energy clearing


This offer is ideal for anyone ready for exciting energy shifts that will clear the way to move on from any limiting situation with renewed clarity, conviction and purpose. It is also the perfect "taster'  if you are thinking of working with me longer term.

We are not always aware of the energy forces at play in our life and why we feel stuck or why we repeatedly self-sabotage and find ourselves in personal or professional situations we would rather avoid. All this can happen in spite of our work on ourselves. How is it that we are intelligent and insightful, can hold down big jobs, run a company and support a family, and yet find ourselves habitually let down or disappointed. Without knowing why, we can  be attracted or compelled to tolerate people who hurt us, disrespect us, leave us or are unavailable to us. We know conceptually at least, that Source is unlimited, so why can’t we trust Source to support us in what we truly want. Why are we working so hard to be successful yet feel frustrated we are still not happy or fulfilled or we haven't reached our goals? Why are we so sensitive and reactive and in conflict or drained by people or our environment? Why are we always tired, ill or keep getting sick ? Why do we feel perpetually guilty, without knowing why, yet keep trying to earn approval from parents, bosses, partners and friends to get rid of the guilt of not being enough ?  It is an exhaustive list - I know ! But these dilemmas are so typically the reasons that professionals, entrepreneurs, coaches and the kind of individuals that are energy aware, seek me out for ENERGY CLEARING. They want answers, information, practical guidance and tangible results in their life and they instinctively know that the vitality and clarity of their own energy is absolutely fundamental to the shift they are looking for. They have often tried mindset work, coaching, counselling, therapies and spiritual practices but nothing is working for them anymore. None of these modalities are wrong - they all help prepare us for the deeper work of mastering our energy and claiming our true power - which is an inside energy job.

energy clearing is the fast track to clearing persistent and stubborn challenges

The reasons for our challenges can go deep  because they are rooted as blocks in our energy circuitry which cannot be accessed with logic and rationalizing with our limited linear mind. Clients find my Energy Research and Energy Clearing so effective because it is quantum and eliminates the typical lengthy time talking and rationalizing and dragging up the past in therapy, coaching or mindset work that doesn't reach the root cause, the compacted dense energies or the cellular level. I'm a natural detective and it was 14 years ago that I discovered ENERGY CLEARING as a way to penetrate and resolve the issues that frustrated me and so many people I meet. I had nothing to lose - everything had gone pretty much "belly up " anyway ! I tried energy clearing and it was astonishing how good I felt and how quickly my relationship and work frustrations just shifted effortlessly. I got trained as soon as I could and now Energy Research & Clearing plays a huge role in my work with clients.

what happens with energy research and clearing

I do this work remotely, with a pendulum and a highly comprehensive set of charts to research and then clear the deeply hidden root causes of emotional, mental and physical problems embedded in your subconscious, in your energy circuitry and anything discordant, attached or blocking the power and wisdom of your core /soul/light/ essence. These knotty, complex blocks are often rooted in other lifetimes, dimensions or universes. It's where we have been unable to consciously process deep pain, guilt, trauma or loss and have suppressed our emotions. These blocks form into densely embedded energy patterns inside us that repeatedly recycle challenges and health issues in our lives until we resolve, dissolve and release the blocks and shift our energy. When we can shift our energy, we automatically resonate at a higher frequency and this then quickly manifests as a whole different and much more favorable reality in our outer practical daily lives. This is when better health, new opportunities and 'ways out of " difficult circumstances or tricky relationships spontaneously and effortlessly come to us instead of us having to struggle and chase, control or "wait it out" which is how we have been conditioned to live. The most insidious blocking pattern is guilt, leading to self punishment that plays out as suffering in all its innumerable expressions. Energy clearing is equivalent to breaking through thick dirty ice to reveal and release the invisible frozen debris (dense energy blocks) obstructing the flow of clear water underneath. The flow of clear water is equivalent to the vibrant energy flow of our soul light that brings us more of the clarity, power, well being, goodness, love, abundance and sense of wholeness that is our sovereign right to claim. But the real cherry on the cake is that you feel great on the inside and this completely changes how you go about "getting" things "out there" to make you feel happy and fulfilled because you already feel happy and fulfilled, confident and powerful inside yourself.  So Energy Clearing is a fantastic investment in YOU because the rewards are so profound and lasting. You realize how great it is to be aligned with your core soul being and the power this gives you in your personal and professional life.

the way I work with you

We cannot understand  energy or our soul (which is pure photonic light) with our mind because energy is quantum and beyond the mind. But we can feel and know the presence of good, clear, vibrant energy with our inner sensing. Some people with developed abilities to tune in, can sense another's energy even from a distance. I have clients who know exactly the time I have cleared their energy because they tell me. So, If you are resonating with what I am saying here or in any of my posts or videos, it is because you resonate with my signature energy - who I am. And what I do is an expression of my signature energy. I work on myself constantly to be free of dense energy and old belief programs so that I can serve you at the highest level, from my soul presence. 


with this introductory program you get 

from 3 to 5 energy research and clearings over a week. I do this aspect of the energy work remotely whilst you just carry on as normal. I sensitively gauge how much clearing you need and message you with any relevant information and guidance as we go along.

●  the choice of one challenge you want me to specifically focus the energy clearing on for optimal results:

1) relationship to yourself - self-love, self-esteem, self-worth, confidence, self -approval

2) relationship to others - partner, spouse, family dynamics, bosses, colleagues, business associates, friends 

3) boundary issues, over sensitivite empath's toxic energy fatigue

4) relationship to SOURCE - your soul connection, your soul sovereignty

5) relationship to money and success

6) your health

7) work - if you are employed 

8) your relationship to your business

a one hour feedback session by Zoom, skype or phone where I give you relevant feedback from my research to help you understand your life to date from an energetic/soul perspective and what this means to your practical daily life. Based on what you chose for me to focus the clearing on - I will give you practical guidance for mastering your energy in that area of challenge. I send an recording of this session to you via email

● a follow up call a week after your feedback session, to really refine the guidance and the best way to move forward with your energy shift.

how to book  


• use the secure payment button here or top of the page if you are on your phone, which also takes all cards even if you are not signed up with PayPal



• once you have paid, just schedule your feedback session allowing me 5 working days to clear your energy before we speak. The scheduling link is here if you are on your phone






• when you schedule, you can send me as much information as you like so that I can focus the research and clearing for optimal results.  remember to choose one focus area;


• You just carry on as normal – whilst I go to work on your energy, remotely, using a set of highly comprehensive charts and pendulum. I research the blocks and patterns that are working against you and clear them and top you up with new positive energy. I do all this before we talk. I will research and clear your energy 3 to 5 times over a week - you just stay super hydrated to help flush out old energy to make way for the new

• I will message you when I have cleared you each time and send any relevant guidance to support you as we progress through the week

• at the end of the week of clearings we have our Energy Feedback Session

• Within a matter of days you should begin to feel a new sense clarity of vibrant energy; and confidence. Your direction forward will  start to become clear to you quite naturally, 

•  I will check back with you a week later for a 15 minute call to see how you are doing.




about  my other longer term programs compared to this Introductory Program

It is important for me to clarify that the energy clearing feedback session on this Introductory One Week program is not the same as one of my longer Program sessions where a lot more complexity and  content is taken into account because of clients' longer term investment and commitment to specific results, goals and the profound transformation I take them through. But this Introductory one week offer is the best way to experience working with me before you invest further in yourself.


free connect call 


If you are a newcomer and would like to speak to me about working with me on my Soul  Sovereignty Program or having one of my Energy Support/ Maintenance Programs, you can schedule into my calendar here. You will be able to ask any questions and I can guide you on what is best for your needs.

why I do this work
To give you a quick background overview I have been energy consulting for over 25 years . My clinical and corporate experience includes: consulting at the Stress Management Unit at London Bridge Hospital; presenting my wellness programs for Central Law Training Ltd; lecturing and consulting at Grayshott Spa UK in Energy Clearing and my trademark EMOTIONAL DETOX (top listed as the "fast track to healing" in Harpers Bazaar) and running a central London practice . In 2013,  I moved to Cornwall to live and work in the heart of nature right by the sea. I literally took a massive step back from life as it had been, and found my way back to myself, my soul. I taught myself to paint, to express my love of colour. I came ALIVE. This took lot of energy clearing and transformation to free myself from the weight of conditioning and programming that inhibits us all. I realized that waking up to remember our sovereignty and soul power is not a scripted path. I had to learn how to navigate internally and deconstruct my blocks and then teach my  clients to do this for themselves and set themselves free.  Like my art and handbag designs,  I am always a work in progress !!  I currently work with clients worldwide offering Energy Clearing and Energy Coaching, Transformation Programs, EMOTIONAL DETOX, Stress Detox for busy corporates and professionals and Sexual Abuse Recovery. My work has been featured in European Spa; Harpers Bazaar/ Business; The Wharf; The Independent and Spa World.  
Look forward to connecting with you.

Love Louise

Louise Smart CThA


read testimonies from clients who have worked with me


Read others at Linkedin

I started on Lou's Soul Sovereignty Program when I had metaphorically 'hit the wall'. I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted and it didn't matter how much meditation, exercise or rest I took to try and 'fix' it, I couldn't. One session into the program with Lou and everything shifted. That first session gave me the energy and courage to look at things differently, to trust in myself and to take small but significant steps. From there on I was committed to my transformation and I haven't looked back!

Lou's energy clearings and sessions began to unblock things I didn't even know were present in my life. Patterns and beliefs that had built up since childhood. With her help I began to understand why these things were emerging and how they were informing my view of the world and my work. It continues to be a journey but I'm more energized, more balanced, happier and healthier. At work I'm breaking through barriers in a way that is true to who I am. No more trying to fit around an old, misguided belief I held. I'm living life with a better understanding and appreciation of who I am... and it's great!

I'll be forever grateful Lou – thank you x

Female Business Executive, 40.

"I promise to do my very best for you".

Believe me when I say that the lovely Lou Smart is true to her word and will do her very best for you. I discovered Lou's Soul Sovereignty Program at a time in my life when everything was changing. I had just entered into my 50's and after many years of working and raising a daughter I knew it was time for ME. I wanted to deal with any emotional blocks or self-destructive patterns that were preventing me from having a wonderful fulfilling life. The great thing about working with Lou was that I felt free to open up and discuss any issues past and current and no matter what I disclosed about myself I felt totally safe, supported and secure in knowing my privacy was sacrosanct. Having the option of sessions being recorded of course means you can listen again at anytime which is an invaluable resource. 

I can genuinely say that working with Lou on this incredible program has been life changing. It has enabled me to better understand ME and why in previous events in my life I acted or felt the way I did. It is important that you know you will need to put in time and effort but the reward is wonderful. I can say honestly that I feel emotionally happier, my life is so much more fulfilling and I feel a great sense of contentment and peace.

Lou's energy clearings are amazing - so I am now on her monthly energy clearing maintenance package - the best investment  I have ever made.

In just a few short weeks many people will start to think about making New Year Resolutions and YOU could make no better resolution than to work with Lou. For those of you who do, one of the tools provided is her own audio series. Having the audios means that even after your sessions have finished there is guidance and support available for you moving forward and the audios are yours for life. Should you still be unsure. Don't be. Working with Lou will most definitely be good for your soul and your life.

Female 50

I was introduced to Louise by a friend during an incredibly low moment in my professional life where I needed guidance and a real break from what I perceived as "bad luck".

Louise cleared my energy and guided me through a very competitive hiring process for a new position.I not only got the job but used her advice during my interview process. I literally felt all the negativity fall away and during my interviews I could intuitively feel a clear path to all the correct answers.

Louise is a wonderfully compassionate human being who gives generously, hope and stability to whomever, like myself, really need clarity and moral support.

Head of Compliance EMEA

I was fortunate enough to come across Louise in a private Facebook group, I was immediately drawn to her depth of wisdom.

I was then grateful to have the opportunity to connect with Louise, one on one.

She has an amazing ability to get to the heart of the problem, intuitively understand what needs to be addressed, then gets to work clearing the energy held within.

The effect after the clearing was amazing, could feel the detox effect the next day and Louise was amazing in advising to go gentle and offer support.

I'm sure anyone invested in working with Louise will surely benefit and be in amazing hands.

Thanks Louise.



I have found working with Louise Smart to be of huge benefit. It has given me much more confidence in pursuing spiritual growth and helped motivate me in all other aspects of life. Louise was there for me ready to pick up the phone at any point when I was in a dark place and needed someone to speak to, who could explain things in a sensible and objective way that brought into consideration a non dualistic understanding of reality. I strongly believe that the spiritual aspect which Louise brings to therapy is essential for personal development and leads to higher states of Being that one wouldn't attain otherwise. Aside from dealing with whatever struggles you are facing, Louise can also provide the role of a spiritual mentor and guide should you want to advance down this path since her knowledge and expertise in this area is invaluable. The audio series that Louise provides is a great tool for spiritual development, removing energy blockages which would otherwise prevent you from experiencing life in its fullest as you unlock your body's full potential.

Thank you so much Louise for your help, it has contributed to my life turning around in a huge way!!!

Cian Jones

I was fortunate enough to come into contact with Louise and have to say having one of her Energy Clearing sessions has touched me to the core. In the feedback session after our first clearing something deep opened for me and I felt such relief that I had been heard. Her ability to tune in exactly to the areas I have been struggling with and assist me in changing my energy has been profound. I am continuing my work with Louise at this present time, my healing journey is ongoing and her work is intuitive, passionate and real. I feel like I am being heard on such a soul level and learning and discovering how to trust again. Louise has been the most incredible person I have been blessed to do this transformational work with. I know and have faith that big shifts in my past beliefs are happening. Thank You Louise. So much love, Ruby.

I first visited Louise on my return from a spa holiday which had thoroughly detoxed my body and initiated a process within me that I now know to be the start of emotional detoxing. Although I was hugely skeptical at first at the idea of visiting anyone for help, I quickly discovered that Louise's methods are not at all intrusive. She has a knack (often using humor) of gently coaxing you into accessing and articulating feelings and emotions. Over a series of sessions it became clear that there had been a pattern of events and relationships in both my personal and business life which had caused a huge burden of suppressed emotion to have built up inside me. Within only a few sessions, Louise was able to tell almost intuitively how I was feeling and focused her healing methods on the areas that needed either release or strengthening. I found Louise to be compassionate, understanding and supportive and I came away from sessions feeling uplifted and released. As a consequence I am far more emotionally aware and receptive than I was previously.

Senior Fund Manager

After nearly 20 years of extremely dedicated and hard work in the City, I found myself very suddenly wondering where the excitement, the sharpness, and the enthusiasm that I used to take for granted had gone. By chance I alighted on an introduction to Louise and the "emotional detoxing" phrase really resonated with me. I realized through my sessions with Louise that I was actually being very tough on myself, not just physically but emotionally as well. To cap it all I was using my success as a hiding place, ignoring the real day to day personal issues that were staring me in the face. As a result of our discussions I now feel more confident and relaxed, more open with family and my children and more content and fulfilled in my everyday context. Through a mix of techniques, mainly succeeding because I found talking to Louise so therapeutic, I have achieved a far greater tranquillity than I thought was possible.

Managing Director US Investment Bank

I visited Louise after I heard that she is unusually sharp and intuitive in her diagnosis of causative factors of stress, and the blockages (that prevent more of us than we would like to believe) from reaching our full potential. As somebody who deals with behavioural and psychological analysis myself, I was most impressed with her ability to sift through the information and find the critical factor that needed attention - the awkward perspective that takes you out of your comfort zone , which any amount of self analysis would skirt around - and then to focus on that creatively, supportively and pragmatically in the sessions. I am now well past these recurring patterns and have also been guided by Louise to really helpful leading edge modalities and programs, which are just right for me and take very little time. I was pleased to deal with these matters in private rather than a corporate or group setting. All in all, an excellent investment of time and effort.

Business Consultant

It is said that inner peace, calmness, love, understanding and a balanced mental state are things that money cannot buy. This is a complete misconception. Reality is that a few sessions with Louise will open up all these possibilities. This is not a heavy bout of therapy but a common-sensical, logical unraveling of the mind, which leaves you empowered to takes massive steps forward. Out of all professional services that I have ever used (lawyers, accountants, doctors etc), this is the best value hourly rate I have encountered. I went to see Louise after every single wheel had fallen off. Two weeks later everything became clear and all the problems, that seemed insurmountable, were being solved. All the negativity and constraints in my life had collapsed. The opportunity is open to everyone - to pass it by is a mistake for life. This should be part of the National Curriculum.

Owner, Various Businesses

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