monthly energy support
This monthly energy support package is uniquely tailored to your wants and needs from the start - so feel free to book a Free Connect call to discuss how I can best help you Or CONTACT me here
I do all your energy clearing and research remotely - so you can be based anywhere and you just carry on with life as normal.
Option A - £325 per month
You get
• 3 energy research and clearings each week – with your preferred choice for text, email or face book MESSENGER ALERT to let you know when I have cleared you
* relevant feedback from my energy research
* personalized audio clips as needed to support you with specific challenges
secure payment link here
Option B - £400 per month
You get
• 3 energy research and clearings each week – with your preferred choice for text, email or face book MESSENGER ALERT to let you know when I have cleared you
* relevant feedback from my energy research
* personalized audio clips as needed to support you with specific challenges
* up to 4 energy support calls by messenger as needed
* energy clearing for your home and business and business dynamics
secure payment link here
What energy support can do for you
Energy Support Clearing promotes the clarity and vitality that we need to support us through the stressful challenges we all can face, especially now, and the unavoidable lower energy frequencies and toxic energy we encounter in our work, in cities, and daily life and personal and professional relationships.
When we are committed to soul expansion, the more light we anchor into our body the more density is pushed to the surface for clearing and release. So we need an effective reliable way to clear our energy so that we are not perpetually dragged back with fatigue and heaviness as a result of all the density and integration going on in the back ground of our lives. Because of the intense energy work that I do – I actually clear myself daily so that stay highest aligned for all my clients.
This monthly ENERGY SUPPORT /MAINTENANCE package is ideal for anyone who wants to be supported and boosted by my energy clearings on a regular basis. no matter where you are based.
It is a great option if you have completed one of my other programs and you want to be sure of sustaining and maximizing the benefits or you want me to clear and boost and support your energy until you are ready to go on to any of my other packages.
If you have worked with me you already know what the clearings can do for you especially with regard to shifts in awareness and new ways of being that happen so naturally.
how it works
I do this work remotely, with a pendulum and a highly comprehensive set of charts to research and then clear the deeply hidden root causes of emotional, mental and physical problems embedded in your subconscious, in your energy circuitry and anything discordant, attached or blocking the power and wisdom of your core /soul/light/ essence. These knotty, complex blocks are often rooted in other lifetimes, dimensions or universes. It's where we have been unable to consciously process deep pain, guilt, trauma or loss and have suppressed our emotions. These blocks form into densely embedded energy patterns inside us that play out as repeatedly recycled challenges and health issues in our lives until we resolve, dissolve and release the blocks and shift our energy. When we can shift our energy, we automatically resonate at a higher frequency and this then quickly manifests as a whole different and much more favorable reality in our outer practical daily lives.
On this energy support package I usually clear your energy 3 times each week but I will do more if needed. I sensitively gauge what you need in terms of quantity and intensity based on how the clearings uniquely impact you. Everyone is different. This fine tuning will help to bring you new levels of expansion and freedom.
Option - bespoke energy support package
Your monthly energy support package can be tailored to include energy clearing and support for your employees, teams, family member and beloved pets.
You can email your request for a bespoke package or we can have a free connect call to discuss your needs and who and what you want clearings for. Then I will send you a personalized subscription link for an agreed monthly rate. Email me here or book your free call here to discuss your needs and any queries you have
This Energy Support package is paid for via secure monthly PayPal subscription (that takes all cards even if you are not signed up with PayPal) on the same date each month from the date you make your first payment. You can cancel or suspend payment at anytime. I respectfully request a minimum of 10 days notice so that I can work out the best approach for any remaining clearings due whether you are suspending the subscription or terminating it.
Wishing you more and more freedom and happiness from my heart
testimonies by clients who have worked with me