radical breakthrough program
personally tailored 6-12 month program
Book your Free Connect Call now to discuss how working together can completely transform your life
"Love Louise's work. This lady packs a powerful punch of wisdom, intuition and knowledge for the times we are going through now. I feel anyone can benefit from time spent with Lou focusing her laser intellect and insight on them. Heart felt and elevating, she weaves her wisdom with solutions, delving deep with compassion and support. I highly recommend for seekers on all levels of awareness."
Self Sovereignty leads to sovereign freedom without threat - why settle for less?
Our soul sovereign freedom isn't just what we want. It is actually our original identity. It is what we are as an expression of Source consciousness which is divine LOVE. In this radical breakthrough program you will discover that sovereign freedom comes from an energy frequency that you harness and build and identify as your SELF and how this externalizes practically as your un-threatened freedom, and your innate security, abundance and fulfilment in all aspects of your outer reality.
By anchoring and consistently holding the frequency of sovereign freedom in the core of your soul, and by letting go of fear-based control and defence mechanisms, you will find out what it means to believe and know and more importantly trust in the indestructible safety of yourself AS SOURCE. AS LOVE. You will learn how to transmute dense energy inside you that you carry from your past and past lives, and collapse the energies of seeming obstacles around you and how to sustain optimal health, wealth, relationships, fulfilment and self expression. To really embody sovereignty means taking responsibility for transforming energy, the end of blame and feeling victimized by life. It means desiring and owning your divine self as your only authoritty without any sense of guilt, shame, unworthiness or arrogance. Once you taste the practical rewards of this level of freedom and dominion in your personal and professional life you won't settle for less.
how we lost our sovereignty
We forgot the freedom of our true sovereign identity because of our choice to explore a belief over many lifetimes that we can separate from the LOVE that we are. We can never be separate from the love that we are but because we are so powerful, our beliefs create experiences that feel very real. What feels like our reality is really akin to living in a hypnotic dream state where we carry dense energy programming, conditioning and wounding from believing in separation from love and the resulting victim-hood, where our power has been abused or we have abdicated power.
So on this program I facilitate you through your awakening to remember your real identity through a radical transformation of your energy and by unravelling the dense energy programming from separation beliefs embedded in your cellular memory. So that means we uproot and clear all the ways you habitually or unconsciously try to get control, approval, security safety and validation that have come from the deep fearful belief that you lack them. As an expression of divine LOVE, you can lack nothing. Nor do you need to earn the right to have whatever you desire and as as much as you desire. So we also get busy unravelling any unworthinness and guilt about your power and entitlement to live freely as you choose and to be and have whatever makes you happy. You get to decide it all because you are sovereign.
who this program is for
I work with leaders, high level professionals, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, healers, light-workers and individuals who are unwilling to settle for less than their sovereign freedom this lifetime. Radical conviction in your sovereignty is not a quick fix. You will discover that the program's time frame from 6 to 12 months is crucial for you to be able to really unravel from separation/fear/ limitation consciousness and embody and integrate new higher energies and make the quantum leap into inner and outer sovereignty as your sustainable reality.
our conditioning
If we are committed to our freedom we have to confront the energetic density from lifetimes of fear based conditioning, particularly patriarchal conditioning that has cut us off from feeling and trusting the loving safety and inherent abundance of the Divine feminine in us and the energy of Earth that is also part of us. Freedom is what we all want - but we try to get it using the mind to manipulate externals as if they are separate from us. Nothing and no-one is separate from us. But the mind because it is rooted in fear because of its belief it is separate from love, manifests polarized experiences and emotions. So despite all the affirmations, and spiritual "busyness" we get what we want and expect as much as we get what we don't want and try to push away. We get inconsistent results in our personal and professional life and become confused why things don't work because we have a disconnect from the love that we are in our core which is an inner distortion that externalises as distortion in our outer daily reality.
Its our lifetimes of experience in separation where we have been traumatised and victimised and left with unresolved unworthiness and fear and self doubt that is the reason why we do not know or doubt our power and our true INVULNERABILITY as individuations of Source/Love. Self doubt leads to inconsistent success with goals and puts limiting blocks on what we feel we can achieve and it sabotages us.
There is so much more to having soul sovereignty than just getting what we want. There is a spiritual maturity that takes us into the power of our Presence where the vibration of our being and wholeness magnetizes the flow of magical synchronicity in our life, effortlessly. So, this is a profoundly transformative program where we get to grips with the practicalities of consciousness, cultivating Presence and embodying the energy of sovereignty to become who we truly are as powerful, multi-dimensional beings of LOVE, without all the self doubt and conditioned limitations on our freedom.
sovereignty as a lived reality
With your commitment to the process of awakening, anchoring, integrating and embodying the original blueprint of your sovereign reality you will discover that you are totally worth your investment in yourself. Because within 6 to 12 months you will have the kind of freedom that is beyond most people's imagination.
Much of what you already know about energy and higher consciousness will make so much more sense as the pieces of your life puzzle finally form a recognizable presentation of your soul sovereign freedom and mastery that you somehow already know and remember. You will solve a lot of your own mystery and this gets very very exciting.
Terms like - embodiment, self realization, integration, the language of light, ascension, crystalline matrix,12 Strand DNA activation, crystalline/ Christ consciousness grid, quantum, non-linear, unified field, point zero, sacred geometry, kundalini, divine feminine and masculine, merkabah light body, rainbow body and plasma crystalline energy, will all come together as a known, understood, remembered, deeply felt visceral LIVED reality.
Self-doubt will just collapse and this is priceless when you consider how much power you leak through fear, worry and concern for yourself and others. You will find a new appreciation for your life to date as you come to acknowledge your life as pre-purposed, pre-scripted plan that has all along been designed to get you to descend into duality, gain unparalleled wisdom from your experience and endurance on earth, to then ascend and fully awaken and live from an unprecedented place of freedom within your personal and wider collective realities that begins inside your body.
Everything I do with you is a refined distillation of what has worked for me over the last 7 years to get to a place of embodied, radical conviction in my own soul sovereignty.
We are all unique individuations of Source energy, so this has been designed as a uniquely personalized program to up-level your uniquely personal reality matrix, and everything in it.
This is the general framework:
program content - 6 to12 months - book a free connect call here to discuss the program length and content that is best for you
● Up to three 60 or 90 minute monthly energy mastery coaching sessions by Zoom – all recorded for replay. You can have more session time if that is your preference.
● from 3 to 5 energy clearings per week depending on your requirements. Using a comprehensive set of charts and a pendulum, I research and clear your energy and provide email feedback and guidance to support you as needed. I use a set of highly comprehensive charts to research and clear your energy. I look for patterns and cycles that indicate your soul challenge this life so that you can more easily discern all that you have endured as part of your self created life plan. I get to the root causes of complex recurring and ancient, subconscious limiting dense energy patterns and clear them to help liberate you from - guilt, self punishment, confusion ,codependency, self-sabotage and persistent health issues. I clear the compacted and deeply buried energies that accumulate from painful experiences and past lives to get you free, raise up your vibration, radiate great energy and be the "conductor" at the center of your own loving universe.
● interim personalized real time support with written material or audio clips by Messenger or Voxer
● interim support calls for real time guidance when you are challenged at work or your home environment or longer term issues or conflict
● Inner Wealth Series - a profound transformative self-love audio series - 7 hours plus of 10 downloadable MP3 audios with rich content and processes to use in your own time that I will guide and advise you on how to use them for optimum benefit
program details and practical benefits
● There are no fixed sequential modules on this program because your transformation and sovereignty is quantum and not linear. So the fabric of your life and your consciousness and what you choose to work on is what we dive into to deconstruct the old programming of separation and duality and anchor in your sovereign mastery and fifth dimensional crystalline / Christed consciousness
● You will develop an awareness that your core soul energy is your innately abundant, safe, sovereign power because you can create everything even your own economy from here. You will discover for yourself that YOU ARE EVERYTHING, THAT YOU ARE NOT SEPARATE FROM ANYTHING AND THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR. BECAUSE WHEN YOU EMBODY YOUR SOVEREIGNTY YOU ARE HEAVEN ON EARTH
● We start early on by working to construct and activate your light body using sacred geometry, establishing the vertical axis with your soul light stream. We build on this axis to bring about a profound physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realization of the truth of your sovereign being that you cannot get by just reading a book or following a guru or by trying to get it from anything or anyone outside of you. It’s self-real -i-zation - an initiating process of making your total energetic sovereign self, real to yourself by yourself
● we progressively build on a practice of deepening and expanding this soul stream vertical axis into your body and then out into your own self created crystalline reality matrix using the incredible power of sacred geometry and by collapsing the dense energy patterns and blocks that prohibit the free flow of your soul/light stream. You will go through a powerful upgrade and integration of your 12 strand DNA coded multi-dimensional reality that will give you very practical access to your own internal information and guidance that you can totally rely on. Your body has portals to everything you and everyone else has experienced to date, and it IS everything you need, to BE abundant healthy and happy.
● I take you progressively deeper and deeper into a direct experience of your sacred heart space and connection with the unified field. This allows you to responsibly create and manifest your reality from a foundation of love and harmlessness, instead of your dualistically programmed double hemispheric brain that creates polarized and often painful experiences because it is in separation and fear (that is until you have embodied your sovereignty)
● you will learn how to harness the purpose and power of your entire emotional palette from the premise that ALL EMOTIONS have a very practical higher purpose that most of us have never been taught. Its denial, suppression or leakage of our emotional energy that limits our transition into a much higher level of being and direct access to our highest truths and wisdom
● you will discover how your body is energetically linked to the Earth's core, and the Galactic core/The Great Central Sun/ the crystalline cosmic heart of GOD and how to align this powerful connection to support you and anything you create
● We identify any blocks that limit your power that are tied up with your 3 main human drives for – control, security and approval. We clear any discordant energy around these 3 drives using my unique release techniques. We go from wanting control, approval or security to having sovereign control, unconditional approval and unconditional security. Big difference! When these blocks are dissolved consciously you have more access to the powerful flow of your core soul energy.
●you will master any self-doubt around your relationship to time and the belief that time or anything external controls you or can victimize you
● you will cultivate deep compassionate unconditional self- love for ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR SELF particularly your INNER CHILD which is the doorway to your sovereign freedom because this aspect of yourself is so powerful in changing your reality. Self- love cancels out denser energies that block our capacity to live without fear. Deep self- love transforms the contracted energies of judgement, fear, resentment anger, hurt, frustration guilt, shame, hatred and anything discordant rooted in your inner child memory. Together we heal any remnant of trauma, that has put limitations on your sense of safety, security, confidence worthiness, entitlement, expectations, personal power and freedom to desire and have what YOU want.
● you will discover the absolute necessity of letting go of habitual busyness and "doing" and any conditioned or compulsive need for control, approval and safety, and learn how to trust and rest in the creative, innately safe, self sustaining power of your natural soul presence / being
It is my honor to facilitate this profound radical conviction in your soul sovereignty.
your investment
There are varied price options depending on how many sessions and energy clearings and how much personal support you have monthly as part of the overall program content already covered here.
free connect call
If you are ready to invest in yourself now and you want to get going on this unique breakthrough program, talk to me in a FREE CONNECT CALL where you can tell me about yourself and find out more about what this program can do for you, the content and duration that is best for you, and if we are a good match to work together.
Wishing you every freedom you can ever imagine from my heart
what clients say about working with me
I started on Lou's Program when I had metaphorically 'hit the wall'. I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted and it didn't matter how much meditation, exercise or rest I took to try and 'fix' it, I couldn't. One session into the program with Lou and everything shifted. That first session gave me the energy and courage to look at things differently, to trust in myself and to take small but significant steps. From there on I was committed to my transformation and I haven't looked back!
Lou's energy clearing and coaching began to unblock things I didn't even know were present in my life. Patterns and beliefs that had built up since childhood. With her help I began to understand why these things were emerging and how they were informing my view of the world and my work. It continues to be a journey but I'm more energized, more balanced, happier and healthier. At work I'm breaking through barriers in a way that is true to who I am. No more trying to fit around an old, misguided belief I held. I'm living life with a better understanding and appreciation of who I am…and it's great!
I'll be forever grateful Lou – thank you x
Female Business Executive, 40.
"I promise to do my very best for you".
Believe me when I say that the lovely Lou Smart is true to her word and will do her very best for you. I discovered Lou's Program at a time in my life when everything was changing. I had just entered into my 50's and after many years of working and raising a daughter I knew it was time for ME. I wanted to deal with any emotional blocks or self-destructive patterns that were preventing me from having a wonderful fulfilling life. The great thing about working with Lou was that I felt free to open up and discuss any issues past and current and no matter what I disclosed about myself I felt totally safe, supported and secure in knowing my privacy was sacrosanct. Having the option of sessions being recorded of course means you can listen again at anytime which is an invaluable resource.
I can genuinely say that working with Lou on the transformation program has been life changing. It has enabled me to better understand ME and why in previous events in my life I acted or felt the way I did. It is important that you know you will need to put in time and effort but the reward is wonderful. I can say honestly that I feel emotionally happier, my life is so much more fulfilling and I feel a great sense of contentment and peace.
In just a few short weeks many people will start to think about making New Year Resolutions and YOU could make no better resolution than to work with Lou. For those of you who do, one of the tools provided is her own audio series. Having the audios means that even after your sessions have finished there is guidance and support available for you moving forward and the audios are yours for life. Should you still be unsure. Don't be. Working with Lou will most definitely be good for your soul and your life.
Female 50
I had a successful career, a husband who I loved to bits, was lucky enough to have a great circle of friends and family, and enjoyed a wonderful lifestyle. Then one day, my perfect world started caving in. In quick succession I was forced out of the company I’d been at for years, found out my husband was having an affair, and was told that I had cancer. I became very low - I felt that I couldn’t face or cope with all the problems building up around me. They kept me awake at night as I worried about the future and became hurt, angry and afraid that I’d never sort them out, never be happy or feel well again. I checked into Grayshott Spa where I booked in with Louise for Emotional Detox. From the very first moment, Louise was amazing - her own warmth, compassion and positive energy, not to mention her great sense of humor, immediately put me at ease. It was a huge and instant relief as she listened quietly and then taught me how to.’ let go’ of the pain and the hurt. I walked out of that first session breathing easier than I had for months and walking at least a foot taller I swear! Over several Skype sessions, Louise has taught me how to cope with my problems, how to release stress and pain, how to become more positive and more spiritual, and how to look for positive happiness in everything I do. She has an intuitive understanding about what makes me tick, and a genuine concern to help make people’s lives better - but I also know that’s backed by years of study, hard work and experience. She has made a huge and positive impact on my life, and I’m now healthy, facing forward and starting a whole new and exciting phase - I can’t recommend Louise Smart highly enough.
Senior Executive, Financial Services
I was introduced to Louise by a friend during an incredibly low moment in my professional life where I needed guidance and a real break from what I perceived as "bad luck".
Louise cleared my energy and guided me through a very competitive hiring process for a new position.
I not only got the job but used her advice during my interview process. I literally felt all the negativity fall away and during my interviews I could intuitively feel a clear path to all the correct answers.
Louise is a wonderfully compassionate human being who gives generously, hope and stability to whomever, like myself, really need clarity and moral support.
Head of Compliance EMEA
I was fortunate enough to come across Louise in a private Facebook group, I was immediately drawn to her depth of wisdom.
I was then grateful to have the opportunity to connect with Louise, one on one.
She has an amazing ability to get to the heart of the problem, intuitively understand what needs to be addressed, then gets to work clearing the energy held within.
The effect after the clearing was amazing, could feel the detox effect the next day and Louise was amazing in advising to go gentle and offer support.
I'm sure anyone invested in working with Louise will surely benefit and be in amazing hands.
Thanks Louise.
I first visited Louise on my return from a spa holiday which had thoroughly detoxed my body and initiated a process within me that I now know to be the start of emotional detoxing. Although I was hugely sceptical at first at the idea of visiting anyone for help, I quickly discovered that Louise's methods are not at all intrusive. She has a knack (often using humor) of gently coaxing you into accessing and articulating feelings and emotions. Over a series of sessions it became clear that there had been a pattern of events and relationships in both my personal and business life which had caused a huge burden of suppressed emotion to have built up inside me. Within only a few sessions, Louise was able to tell almost intuitively how I was feeling and focused her healing methods on the areas that needed either release or strengthening. I found Louise to be compassionate, understanding and supportive and I came away from sessions feeling uplifted and released. As a consequence I am far more emotionally aware and receptive than I was previously.
Senior Fund Manager
After nearly 20 years of extremely dedicated and hard work in the City, I found myself very suddenly wondering where the excitement, the sharpness, and the enthusiasm that I used to take for granted had gone. By chance I alighted on an introduction to Louise and the "emotional detoxing" phrase really resonated with me. I realized through my sessions with Louise that I was actually being very tough on myself, not just physically but emotionally as well. To cap it all I was using my success as a hiding place, ignoring the real day to day personal issues that were staring me in the face. As a result of our discussions I now feel more confident and relaxed, more open with family and my children and more content and fulfilled in my everyday context. Through a mix of techniques, mainly succeeding because I found talking to Louise so therapeutic, I have achieved a far greater tranquility than I thought was possible.
Managing Director US Investment Bank
I was fortunate enough to come into contact with Louise and have to say having one of her Energy Clearing sessions has touched me to the core. In the feedback session after our first clearing something deep opened for me and I felt such relief that I had been heard. Her ability to tune in exactly to the areas I have been struggling with and assist me in changing my energy has been profound. I am continuing my work with Louise at this present time, my healing journey is ongoing and her work is intuitive, passionate and real. I feel like I am being heard on such a soul level and learning and discovering how to trust again. Louise has been the most incredible person I have been blessed to do this transformative work with. I know and have faith that big shifts in my past beliefs are happening. Thank You Louise. So much love,
I visited Louise after I heard that she is unusually sharp and intuitive in her diagnosis of causative factors of stress, and the blockages (that prevent more of us than we would like to believe) from reaching our full potential. As somebody who deals with behavioral and psychological analysis myself, I was most impressed with her ability to sift through the information and find the critical factor that needed attention - the awkward perspective that takes you out of your comfort zone , which any amount of self analysis would skirt around - and then to focus on that creatively , supportively and pragmatically in the sessions. I am now well past these recurring patterns and have also been guided by Louise to really helpful leading edge modalities and programs, which are just right for me and take very little time. I was pleased to deal with these matters in private rather than a corporate or group setting. All in all, an excellent investment of time and effort.
Business Consultant
It is said that inner peace, calmness, love, understanding and a balanced mental state are things that money cannot buy. This is a complete misconception. Reality is that a few sessions with Louise will open up all these possibilities. This is not a heavy bout of therapy but a common-sensical, logical unravelling of the mind, which leaves you empowered to takes massive steps forward. Out of all professional services that I have ever used (lawyers, accountants, doctors etc), this is the best value hourly rate I have encountered. I went to see Louise after every single wheel had fallen off. Two weeks later everything became clear and all the problems, that seemed insurmountable, were being solved. All the negativity and constraints in my life had collapsed. The opportunity is open to everyone - to pass it by is a mistake for life. This should be part of the National Curriculum.
Owner, Various Businesses