A QUESTION OF RESPECT - how to handle disrespect from others by changing your energy and saying NO
A lack of respect towards us from people "out there" is a vibrational result of where we are internally with-holding respect and honour and care for our core soul self. We are the ones that invalidate our purity and sovereignty and the world out there simply sign posts us to what needs to be energetically realigned to self love on the inside so that we return to our original pristine state of sovereignty - where disrespect does not exist. Fundameantlly we have to chericsh our soul first, and this transmits a high energy frequency of self love to the world and then the world reflects love respect and honour back to us.
If we are being triggered by disrespectby someone "out there" it is because we are intenally holding onto some sort of belief in our unworthiness as being real and neccessary and unchangeble. YET NEITHER OUR INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL REALITY IS FIXED.
.When we are ready (which is when our soul has started to come online) we pay attention to the signposts " out there". Unless of course we want to remain a victim - in which case we won't take responsibility for our energy and own our power to change things . We would rather point the finger of blame and remain trapped in the illusion of victimhood. It's a choice.
Creating a new reality out there where we are loved respected and cherished requires a total inner energetic deconstruction and reconstruction. We have to collapse every single discordant frequency inside , all opposition to ourself as source/LOVE - be that fear , doubt , guilt, shame and all forms of self attack, self abandonment self neglect and self abuse and all beliefs in not "being"enough. Basically all LACK CONSCIOUSNESS has to go !
We are the ones that create the reality of "lack" of respect inside us so that is where we must go to discreate it. Makes sense right?
It's like shedding a skin. We build ouselves anew from the inside out. Its a big deal - because lack of self respect is only one aspect of how we reject ourselves . There are many aspects to our identity in separation from purelove, but we have to start somewhere don't we?
As you work on yourself to create your new inner and outer reality - do it with unconditional loving compassion and forgiveness for yourself. We have all elected to descend into duality/ separation from LOVE and experience victimhood to some degree or another . We do this so that we learn the difference between separation from love - which can manifest as lack/separation from respect in contrast to full embodiment AS love where there is ONLY respect and no dualistic opposite.
So give yourself permission to lovingly "call out and remind" those that disrespect you so that you stop the mistreatment. Remembering - they are actually the people your soul has chosen/contracted to teach you self respect by triggering you to get on and do the inner work that you were unaware was necessary. You needed them to give you the push !
And those that are too resistant or unaware of what respect really means, - walk away from them, block them, remove their access to your pristine core energy. No need for world war 3 - just disconnect. If you have a problem saying "no more " to yourself or another then invest in yourself and get help. Because if you don't believe you are worthy of deconstraucting victimhood and ditchong all disrespect from your reality then guess what - that is what you will keep recreating until you have had enough of it . The timeline of protracted endurance in painful reationships is often neccessary for some souls who elect to learn on the harsh route because they carry deeply engrained discrdant frequencies from greater numbers of lifetimes in separation that take longer to purge. So no need to judge or compare - we are all unique souls purposefully living out our own unique trajectories to come back to our individual sovereignty and power. WHEN WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF SUFFERING we get done with it.
So to get "done" with disrespect - quit pouring your precious energy into the worm hole of the victim/ perpertrator dynamic which is basically your ego self being disconnected from your true self as source, trying to convince another ego that you deserve better treatment. If you are identifying with your own ego and wrestling with anothers ego you are in a low enegetic bandwith with not enough power to shift anything. It's a power struggle dynamic that stays stuck and you are going to feel like "crap' until you let go and start working on raising up your own energy and releasing with any hurt or pain. You stay "down" in the pit of fighting for respect for as long as you are willing to accept and allow it. To really shift you have to energetically detox and change your energy by shifting away from the ego mind and into your heart..
You are only a victim of another's disrespect because you choose to stay in the dynamic. You got yourself there. You have the power to unhook from it. MAGIC !
My Energy Clearing programs are designed to get you clear of the binding ties and contracts to disrespectful people and situations in your personal and professional life. I will work with you, and give you new energy tools to help you find your way back to your sovereign power and bring in a whole new reality based on love integrity and respect.
I have a corporate and clinical background - Stress Management Unit at London Bridge hospital, presenting for Central Law Training Ltd and lecturing and consulting in Energy Clearing and Emotional Detox at Grayshott Spa Uk. Now running globally accessible Energy Clearing and Transformation Programs
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