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Our true essential nature is our soul matrix which is a quantum multi-dimensional structure of all powerful living-loving-light that is inextricably at one with SOURCE.

We have tangible access to it and can command it to shape reality around us without fear of any adversity, only when we fully own and trust our soul matrix as our single changeless INVULNERABLE identity.

We have all spent lifetimes since we first took on an identity separate from Love, creating all manner of adversity. injustices and victim-hood from fear and guilt and then blaming others and life whilst forgetting our pseudo identity /ego was the one and only cause !

When we wake up a bit and start to take responsibility for our reality, we invariably create a spiritual ego and blame that too for creating the suffering we see or witness directly ourselves. !!!! This is really self attack/ punishment which just creates fear which magnetizes more adversity. Until we understand that our soul matrix is eternally innocent and does NOT come at the expense of someone else's guilt - we are never free of the SELF CREATED guilt and punishment, victim and perpetrator cycle. We stay perpetually in our own self created "Karma Drama". I will say it again for emphasis- our SOUL MATRIX is unconditionally innocent. And until we know this as our only identity and let go of our ego's cherished belief in guilt and punishment - we will continue to magnetize some sort of self induced punitive adversity and suffering, be that failure, lack, illness, conflict and loss or abuse. We will attribute our experience to the Law of the Universe, to Cause and Effect or the Law of Attraction and spend eons in a deluded sense of responsibility for balancing Karma from a position of guilt perpetuated by the ego that does not want us to know our true identity as uncondtional innocent LOVE. So we never know that God's Law is LOVE and superceeds all other laws and never attacks or punishes. EVER.

Now that we have moved into the Orion Photon Belt - we have more opportunity than ever to reclaim the freedom of our soul matrix and own the INVULNERABLE love ,power security and safety that is innately ours. Our very being. Our identity. We cannot be separate from what we ARE. But to know this and experience this we have to let go of identifying with what we are NOT.

This program will quantum shift you into a much more robust alignment with the matrix of your soul sovereignty so that you can quickly collapse any obstacles your ego uses to sabotage you. Your confidence in your self-mastery is what will allow you to responsibly exercise your right to create and have dominion over your reality without fear or expectation of problems or sabotage that are created from your ego/ separation consciousness.

On this program you get;

* ON DAYS 1 AND 3 - a 90 minute energy mastery session which I also record on Zoom so that you can revisit and really integrate the healing processes that I create just for you. These two sessions will help you deeply connect into your soul-matrix and deconstruct your resistance to owning who you truly as omnipotent love (before you took on separation consciousness) . We identify and unravel the core hidden causes of limitation, adversity, relationship issues that are embedded in your energy.

* ON DAYS 1, 2 AND 3 , I thoroughly research and clear your energy remotely using a highly comprehensive set of charts. I will give you feedback from the energy research and clearings and any guidance and support you need over the 3 days. The energy research and clearings drill right down to where you are "defending" limitation and beliefs in adversity, and therefore resisting knowing and experiencing the protection and power of your limitless love/ Soul -Self/ as Source.


Your investment in YOU for this 3 day program is The cost is 799 GBP / 1,023 USD

You can also click on this link for details and sign up here

FREE CONNECT CALL - 2 options to connect

I understand if you don't know me, that you may want to get a sense of who I am and how I can help you on this program before signing up. I would be very happy to talk to you briefly to discuss this program on :

a) Facebook Messenger call. Just ping me a message to co-ordinate any time zone differences first ok ! I'm in the UK.

b go to my international calendar that automates all time-zones and book a free connect call to discuss this 3 day program here at the bottom of this page link

"Louise is the real deal. She is that rare gem who is both extremely spiritual and able to access the higher realms and extremely grounded and empathetic towards your situation. She knows both heaven and hell and how to transcend duality because of this. She is clear and easy to understand and knows what you are ready to hear. She will challenge you but in the most supportive way, and she will do this while clearing your path energetically so you are not pushing a boulder up a mountain but allowing the ease of love light to flow freely through you. Louise’s energy alone is enough to attract you in- that’s why you’re on her page isn’t it?

Trust your intuition and work with Louise. She is the perfect guide for your return ." Testimony by Angie Sunshine


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