image from Portwrinkle in Rame Cornwall
May God help us all to wake up to our true organic ascension timelines with fully activated freedom codes that will anchor in THE NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH consciousness and reality we have all come to birth and witness this lifetime.
But.... its down to US to intentionally shift our frequency. Because its our own aligned energy of awakened sovereign freedom that will amass as the momentum and tipping point necessary to shift the larger consensus collective reality for all. Not some external magical benevolent bolt of providence.! That said there is a huge source of support coming from the Christed/ crystalline grid surrounding EARTH right now, that is pulsing a very pure photonic light to us and the planet. But if our energy is not clear of distortions and limitations and fears, we cannot let this light in. We cannot harness it for our practical everyday life or help others shift.
Heaven on earth is the New Earth consciousness to be embodied whilst we are here on the planet. Not some place we go to when we give up the body. So it's down to us to upgrade our energy and keep it clear and aligned so that we are supported and stable and can inspire and help guide others to align with their own sovereign freedom. Its the quality of our energy, our consciousness, that influences more potently than our words. We become the new heaven on Earth first through a transformation of our core energy within where we embody the energy of sovereignty and this then externalizes in our outer reality of form through the dynamic law of cause (inner) and effect (outer.)
Despite the almighty shit storm we are all in - it IS serving a purpose no matter how awful.. It is functioning as the necessary catalyst to disrupt and deconstruct all our outdated loveless inner and outer structures and beliefs so that we can build The New Earth. If you are aware and you can adjust and have access to support and sustain your own energy - you can get through and out the other side of this shift without fear and in tact and fully in command of your sovereign power .
Those of you who have worked with me, you may feel it is time to reconnect and have some uplifting energy support in which case I really look forward to meeting again. Please use the link below to refresh your mind as to what's available. And there are some new and exciting programs which you can access from the menu.
Feel free to comment and share this post so newcomers are inspired and emboldened to reach out and get the support they now need at this crucial, pivotal time.
Thank you.
Click on the link and take a look at my Energy Support options
Click on the link to book your Free Connect call now. In the call we can discuss what kind of energy support you need to get clear of old dense energy programming and limitations on your freedom and to maintain your highest aligned frequency. You can tell me about yourself and find out how my energy support can help you upgrade your frequency and anchor in your unique HEAVEN ON EARTH that you know you are destined to share with the world.
