Can you say to yourself " I love you unconditionally" and mean it ?

If you cannot say to yourself I love you unconditionally and mean it with every fiber of your being - then alignment is just another nice sounding spiritual soundbite. If you are numb or squirming or feeling uncomfortable in your body or not believing yourself as you say these powerful words - you are not in alignment. You are resisting. You are very likely still reacting to the wounds from your childhood or adolescence and you need healing.
Alignment with Source is alignment with Love. And only love. We are all extensions of Source, so what's not to love? Not loving yourself unconditionally creates a distorted internal energetic pattern of lack and wanting, yet never truly believing in your identity as love which perpetuates seeking love outside yourself.
Yet no-one is destined to be what we need to own as our very own beingness and identity . We are love. But when we don't know or believe this, we create an energy pattern of lack that perpetuates externally in our life, as wanting and needing attention and approval and never feeling whole and good enough for ourself or others. Even when we find or have someone who really loves us, we still feel insecure or jealous , suspicious or doubting. This pattern, this insecurity, this wanting and needing shows up in our relationships and life as experiences of feeling painfully let down, betrayed and feeling not good enough. Because, we cannot attract wholeness and goodness and success until we are energetically aligned with love within as our identity and therefore whole and knowing ourselves as unconditionally lovable.
Our upbringing from childhood through to adolescence usually marks a time of CONDITIONAL loving from parents or guardians, who themselves were loved and nurtured and reassured, conditionally. Our parents or guardians and their parents "recurringlt" did their best. Sadly, that may not have been enough for a many of us.
You may have experienced neglect, abuse or abandonment or had absent or alcoholic, addicts as parents/ guardians who made you assume you were rejected, unwanted, unlovable and not enough and ashamed without knowing why. You were too young to have the awareness to even question why you made these negative assumptions about yourself. These feelings and beliefs and assumptions got buried deep, because they were too painful to live with. But, they are the seeds of pain that live on inside us and permeate our adulthood as a sense of unworthiness in all aspects of our life and particularly in our relationships and our sense of deserving and ability to receive. They live on inside us no matter how accomplished or successful we appear outwardly. These wounds are the pain we try to numb with addictive stimulants or distract ourselves from with destructive behaviors or they express as emotional reactivity and all the drama in our lives. These consequences are the effects of the unhealed wounds that are waiting for us to transmute by learning how to unconditionally love ourselves.
YOU CAN GET FREE OF YOUR UPBRINGING and really feel and know you are unconditionally worthy and lovable and you can get free from the sabotaging patterns of fear, abandonment, rejection and never feeling enough that all originated from how you were treated growing up and how present and loving your parents were(n't ).
You just need the right energy tools and support from someone who really understands and is rooting for you to really love yourself unconditionally, despite your past, despite your allegiance to guilt, shame and judgement and desire for approval. No matter what.
If your answer is yes, then book a free connect call now. In this call, I will listen non- judgmentally as you tell me about yourself, your childhood and/or you adolescence . I will explain how my 2 week Introductory Program can help you shift your energy and release your sabotaging patterns, so that you can create and attract a different experience in your reality.
In the call, you can ask questions about working with me and we will identify exactly what you want and need and decide on either your childhood or adolescence as the focus for this 2 week healing program.
Past this 2 weeks period you can of course progress and move on to either stage when you are ready. But for this Introductory Program we focus on just one area as a way to establish a safe working relationship so that you feel secure with me as we address vulnerabilities rooted in your past .
Book your free connect call here
● 2 weeks of comprehensive energy research where I get to the root cause of specific blocking, sabotaging dynamics that started in your childhood or adolescence, that are now playing out as relationship, power and control, security, abundance flow, inhibition and approval seeking issues
● 2 weeks of energy clearings to break down and release old dense energy patterning that is keeping you stuck, recycling the drama and suffering in your personal or professional life
● 2 emotional detox / energy mastery sessions where I take you thorough healing processes so that you can consciously let go of old beliefs and their imprint on your energy. We have the 1st session at the end of week one and the 2nd session at the end of week 2. The intervals between sessions allow me time to research and clear your energy and give you time to process what you need to consciously itegrate, transform , let go of and be "done" with.
● recording of your personalized healing processes that I create for you
●special low cost, high value introductory offer at £495 value £1000
If you already know you want this package and know what you want to focus on - go right ahead and pay for this Introductory 2 week program and schedule your sessions here.
It's a secure PayPal link that takes all cards. Once you have paid, it takes you directly to my calendar where you can book your sessions and tell me about your self and your focus choice for childhood or adolescence healing.
Please remember to book your first session one week after you have paid and the 2nd session a week later so that I have plenty of time to research and clear your energy and give you feedback before we talk.
I have 25 years professional experience and have specialized in stress and energy transformation. Working with me is powerful and most importantly, safe.

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