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If we want New Earth Consciousness to be our lived reality , it means knowing and identifying ourselves as pure Love-Light Beings/ Beams from Source as we were created. This entails stripping back to the purity of Source that birthed us. Stripping right back to before we used our free will to descend into life cycles in separation , duality , density and the karmic timelines that perpetuate as guilt unworthiness, self punishment and sabotage.

When we can transform enough density accumulated in our energy bodies from programming, traumas and the adversities we have we endured in duality, we will have cleared enough space to anchor our love-light into Earth and stabilize it. This is how we become CLEAR channels for the streams of cosmic light that feed into the rainbow crystalline grids and portals in and around our planet linked to our own chakra systems.

Stripping back to this Zero point is how we shift consciousness and claim our freedom templates and change what we perceive and experience in our reality. It is a quantum energetic inside-out job. We can completely and guiltlessly set ourselves free from karma , from inner and outer conflict and threat by identifying with our unchangeable innocence as we were created and by dismantling the energetics of our personal and collective saboteur that is presenting as the conflicted life and dualistic world we now perceive and experience.

Freedom is down to choice , down to whether we can entitle ourselves enough to allow ourself this ONE choice. What blocks us choosing, is fear of ending ALL separation and joining Source as Love -Light. Yes ,its a deeply buried ,hidden FEAR OF LOVE. We have a weird affinity and sticky attraction to struggle and pain and we can't quite let it go. It feels like it grips and controls us . But that conundrum of sabotaged sovereignty has to be mastered just like everything else, energetically from within.

Not choosing to let go of our entire history in separation is what keeps us in the never ending "busy"ness of digging around in our wounds and traumas and yet never finding the way OUT . What we are digging for gets to a point when it just brings up more of layers of density to work through because there is no chosen intentional end goal. No vision or belief in true freedom. Choosing freedom is not about spiritual by-passing. We do indeed need to transmute a fair amount of density just to be able to see what's what and literally hold enough light of KNOWING inside us . And there are more of us now who do know what's what and have reached a momentous pivotal tipping point. And that point is a choice point that changes EVERYTHING. It's a point of complete release of EVERYTHING holding us in separation consciousness. Just choosing to be free is what shifts our energy to attract the right clues, keys and activations ,people and resources that can truly direct us back to our original liberated state as Love -Light beings without the saboteur. We find the peace of having nothing more to heal as we become ONE with Source that has NO PROBLEMS. The HOLY GRAIL IS YOU. YOU decide and YOU self-realize and then your reality shape-shifts for you around THAT choice. MAGICK !!!

Do you resonate with this ?

Do you want to really get to grips with this properly, beyond just mental concepts ? Do you want freedom from sabotaging energies as your lived reality?

Do you want to live without guilt and the "karma drama" and be truly compassionate without being yanked around by others' realities and energies as they go through their own evolution through density?

Do you want to be a clear liberated anchor of light for New Earth ?

Whether you believe it or not - You ARE worthy of complete freedom and you are immensely powerful and the Earth needs you now.

2 WEEK INTRODUCTORY PROGRAM ● comprehensive energy research with feed back where I get to the root cause of blocking , congestion and self limitation and what your soul is trying to learn and grow from this life ● energy clearings to break down old dense energy patterning from this and past lives and dimensions so that your freedom templates can come on line ● 2 emotional detox / energy mastery sessions ● recording of your personalized healing processes and activations that I create for you ● super dooper special low cost high value offer at £495 - ( value £1000)

Pay for this Introductory 2 week program and schedule your 2 sessions here

Once you have paid you will be directed to my calendar. You can just book yourself in for your 1st session for 5 working days after payment, to allow me to work on clearing your energy before we speak. Book the 2nd session for the end of the 2 weeks.

Any questions - just email me here

Pay for this Introductory 2 week program and schedule your 2 sessions here

Or book a Free connect call here to discuss my more in-depth longer term Energy Maintenance Packages or my Soul Sovereignty Program

Please forward and share freely

Louise Smart CThA


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