Unconditional love does not mean unconditional doormat

Discerning the difference and making choices about who and what we give our energy to, is part of our soul maturation process and awakening into our sovereignty. We are infinite beings with infinite choice. Why put up with rubbish and sabotage yourself when you have unlimited choice and power to create ? Why create a reality where you are treated unfairly by life ?
The ability to say "no" to suffering , to people and situations without stress and self doubt, starts from within. We have to be able to navigate internally energetically to cherish our core being and find the power and strength to say NO to the distortion of our our own inner saboteur that feeds off adversity, being a victim, martyrdom, guilt, self-sacrifice and punishment whilst overlooking that our entire reality in form IS ALL SELF CREATED.
The more we can energetically deconstruct our self-attacking inner saboteur, the less we have to say no to others because we cease to magnetize those that TAKE, ABUSE, DISRESPECT or DISHONOR US. So within - so without. To deconstruct our inner saboteur is the choice to unconditionally love and forgive every facet of our human and divine beingness and experiences to date. This is so that we are not at war with ourselves at any level. We cultivate a harmony and wholeness and at-one-ment within, that translates as the external loving harmony we all crave out there in the world.
Our choice for a self -loving or self -hating world that we create energetically within our soul matrix, is mirrored personally and collectively out there. Its a holographic world where our projected consciousness / perception from within, shapes what we see and attribute as real and then react to as if it is separate from us. The outer world, no matter how dark we perceive it, is NOT separate from our inner reality. When all blame and self blame for our inner and outer reality stops, perception becomes knowledge of God where there are no problems. If you are able to do this for yourself, let go of all guilt and blame, you will experience a huge huge relief and deep sense of peace that you can always return to. It is home and it is priceless.
We can all touch this sublime God-space of no problems, in moments of samadi, grace, mediation, spontaneous awakenings and revelation and healing practices. But the experience can be frustratingly fleeting at best. Got that old T shirt !!! I But there does come a point when inner peace is not a happy accident , because it becomes your embodied identity and reality. My energy clearings and soul sovereignty programs are designed to help you achieve this peace and inner power to choose your reality with no more sabotage.
Our purpose here is to transform perception and what we believe and project , by forgiving all the lovelessness that we see and believe inwardly and externally, across all time, space and realities. We do this in recognition that darkness is the effect of our personal and collective deeply cherished belief in separation from love. Separation from love is not a concrete unchangeable reality. But the truth of love is REAL. Only truth is true. What you choose is what you get. And what you choose is rooted in what you believe you are. You can believe you are an unlimited divine being of unconditional innocence and invulnerable power , or a fearful, insecure, victim of your own making. A doormat ! You can only choose freedom from suffering, by deconstructing your belief in a power other than love.- from within.
On this program you get;
* ON DAYS 1 AND 3 - a 90 minute energy mastery session which I also record on Zoom so that you can revisit and really integrate the healing processes that I create just for you. These two sessions will help you deeply connect into your soul-matrix and deconstruct your resistance to owning who you truly are (before separation) and unravel the hidden causes of limitation that are embedded in your energy.
* As soon as you have signed up you can email or message any relevant information about yourself that will help me to help you.
* ON DAYS 1, 2 AND 3 , I thoroughly research and clear your energy remotely using a highly comprehensive set of charts . I will give you feedback from the energy research and clearings and any guidance and support you need over the 3 days. The energy research and clearings drill right down to where you are "defending" limitation and beliefs in adversity and therefore resisting knowing and experiencing the protection and power of limitless love/ Soul -Self/ as Source
This program will quantum shift you into a much more robust alignment with your soul sovereignty so that you can quickly collapse any obstacles your ego uses to sabotage you. Your confidence in your self-mastery is what will allow you to responsibly exercise your right to create and have dominion over your reality without fear or expectation of problems or sabotage.
HOW TO BOOK the 3 Day Soul-Empowerment Booster Program.
Program details here . PAY
The cost is 799 GBP / 1,023 USD by PayPal which takes all cards even if you are not signed up to PayPal - use this link
As soon as you have paid you can schedule your 2 energy mastery sessions here and use the scheduling form to send me relevant information about yourself
Want to talk to me first ? There are 2 connect options
I understand if you don't know me, that you may want to get a sense of who I am and how I can help you on this program before signing up. I would be very happy to talk to you briefly to discuss this program on a Facebook Messenger call. Just ping me a message to co-ordinate any time zone differences first ok ! I'm in the UK.
Or go to my international calendar that automates all time-zones and book a free connect call to discuss this 3 day program here
