💙What happened when we separated from our Source -God -Self 💜

Deep within the energetic matrix of our soul's core, we carry the mother of all traumas !!!! It's where an aspect of our soul originally split from itself. Eons ago. Its where we separated from our Source Consciousness AS LOVE and created the ego mind , and descended into the 3D density and the polarity of duality - of opposites. In exploring and experiencing density we also created fear and generated what we see as conflict and all form of adversity as the contrast to the LOVE.we all are.
When we choose to energetically heal this separation /split , this primordial self- rejection, by returning to AT-ONE-MENT with our Soul- Source- Self again, we discover our original human blueprint of Soul Sovereignty that is INVULNERABLE. Yes you read that right -INVULNERABLE!!
This invulnerability is felt and known viscerally once there is no more unconscious attraction to create reality from belief in fear , from a NEED for defenses , for protection or worship of anything or anyone outside ourselves. Our world of circumstances and people always reflects the degree of our harmonious self acceptance for our Source - Self that we have within. And it reflects the degree of our surrender of our perception of lack or needs. That includes the surrender of any manipulation tactics we use to get approval , love, resources and status to make us feel good about ourselves from any sense of "I AM NOT ENOUGH FOR LOVE/MY GOD SELF TO LOVE AND PROTECT ME UNCONDITIONALLY." Its a huge huge surrender of mistrust. Wholeness / our God self lacks nothing because it knows it can call forth and create ANYTHING FROM NOTHING. This is the magical freedom we are all ascending into -albeit at our own seemingly frustrating pace.!!!!
Forgive me for being blunt but - until you are willing to completely shift out of your allegiance to a belief in vulnerability and needs , you will unconsciously re-trigger every trauma you have endured since you first separated from LOVE/your Source-self. You will replay the victim identity , run round in circles playing the needy unhealed healer, playing the sensitive empath who gets overwhelmed by energy instead of healing the original separation trauma by MASTERING THE ENERGY OF YOUR SOUL MATRIX.
Am I resonating ? - if so I think you will love my:
3 Day Soul-Matrix Booster Program.
On this program you get;
* ON DAYS 1 AND 3 - a 90 minute energy mastery session which I also record on Zoom so that you can revisit and really integrate the healing processes that I create just for you. These two sessions will help you deeply connect into your soul-matrix and deconstruct your resistance to owning who you truly are (before separation) and unravel the hidden causes of limitation that are embedded in your energy.
* As soon as you have signed up you can email or message any relevant information about yourself that will help me to help you.
* ON DAYS 1, 2 AND 3 , I thoroughly research and clear your energy remotely using a highly comprehensive set of charts . I will give you feedback from the energy research and clearings and any guidance and support you need over the 3 days. The energy research and clearings drill right down to where you are "defending" limitation and beliefs in adversity and therefore resisting knowing and experiencing the protection and power of limitless love/ Soul -Self/ as Source
This program will quantum shift you into a much more robust alignment with your soul sovereignty so that you can quickly collapse any obstacles your ego uses to sabotage you. Your confidence in your self-mastery is what will allow you to responsibly exercise your right to create and have dominion over your reality without fear or expectation of problems or sabotage.
HOW TO BOOK the 3 Day Soul-Empowerment Booster Program. . PAY
The cost is 799 GBP / 1,023 USD by PayPal which takes all cards even if you are not signed up to PayPal - use this link
As soon as you have paid you can schedule your 2 energy mastery sessions here and use the scheduling form to send me relevant information about yourself
Want to talk to me first ? There are 2 connect options
I understand if you don't know me , that you may want to get a sense of who I am and how I can help you on this program before signing up. I would be very happy to talk to you briefly to discuss this program on a Facebook Messenger call. Just ping me a message to co-ordinate any time zone differences first ok ! I'm in the UK.
Or go to my international calendar that automates all time-zones and book a free connect call to discuss this 3 day program here
