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C O N F U S I O N by Louise Smart CThA

So many confusing claims to "truth" right now aren’t there ??????? Be that - what the mainstream media platforms are saying, what the government is or is not telling us, about our rights being taken away in lockdown, the controversy over the virus being genetically engineered or spawned by bats, the threat implicit inthe 5G network, the NHS protocols , the scientists' mandates , medics and complementary health experts who claim to treat the virus quickly and effectively with quinine, zinc and Vit C and D etc , conspiracy theories about being hijacked by The New World Order, The Kabal , the Reptilians, the Light-worker Star-seed revolutionaries and the controversy over the efficacy and ethics of the "VACCINE " and Bill Gates's meglamania and so on and on and on……..!!! None of the above sits together rationally “as controllable safety” in the logical mind . Our rational logical mind can only cope with one truth, not conflicting truths !!! And the rational mind is linear and it operates separately from the quantum realities, heart consciousness ,from instinct or intuition and true creativity. So it clings to " one rational truth to feel safe ". So if anyone or any group thinking apposes our "truth " we can feel threatened and turn defensive and attack each other . But only because we are scared that what we believe won’t save us or that what others believe won’t save them. That’s because we are holding fear and because we do not hold true unconditional safety within as a sovereign state of being as who we ARE. The question is, are we going to allow ourselves to be victimized by our self created fear of others' realities or are we going to use the opportunity to change . Bare with me and read on! This is my expression of my subjective truth right now…………That is, what we may be missing , that could make way for a higher more expansive truth, is that we can embrace that ALL of the above perspectives can be true or some of them can be true simultaneously. Different truths can COEXIST. And we can remain un-threatened by this. Because, every “truth” is subjectively conceived and created and believed in our consciousness and a resulting subjective reality plays “out there” according to our subjective and widely differing levels of consciousness. We expand consciously by being able to peacefully WITNESS the PARADOX of seemingly conflicting realities THAT COEXIST inside and outside of us. Our personal realities shift as our conscious awareness shifts to allow more possibilities. What was true for us yesterday may not be true for us today. So if we feel the need to disinfect everything in sight using antiseptic gel to stay safe one minute and the next we want to boost our immunity with potent natural immunity interventions - then that's our sovereign perogative. And telling others what will or won’t work is merely our subjective fear and need for conformity. We can choose to allow ourselves and each other to discover our truths for ourselves. Ramming so called “fact” down another’s throat (the throat is the chakra centre of personal truth btw) will back fire. We have all been living at differing levels of consciousness to date for eons anyway – only now a crisis is highlighting the herd instinct breakout, the manipulation and fear and control issues that we all eventually will free ourselves from. We will all get to where we are going when we are good and ready. Intolerance or frustration with others is just a sign of our own non acceptance that we are individual constructs of consciousness with free will to explore and create any reality we choose- good and bad. When we wake up to this we create responsibly and don't hurt others. And even when we are trying to protect others from theirs or others miscreations we cannot wake anyone up faster than they are ready. AND - we cannot be a victim unless at some level we have chosen to be. We wake up to this when we are ready. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink ! Hypothetically,you can believe or prove for example that the virus is chemically manufactured. Or believe maybe nature conspired all this, so that we are locked down and we get in touch with what matters and with ourselves and the planet has a chance to rebalance and heal herself. If you put the two very different perspectives side by side without judgement and just allow them to coexist ,you get a new expanded perspective that is rather liberating. It’s not conclusive because we are still in the thick of change but the point I’m making is that it's up to you how you perceive what’s going on. Its up to you what you allow to be possible, to be real or unreal. And that is what will dictate how you experience your experience, lock down or otherwise. As you liberate your consciousness by allowing yourself to witness the paradoxes in your mind, in your heart space and “out there” you get to feel safer as you actually expand energetically in your body. Duality is the contracted limiting consciousness that dictates there has to be truth and falsehood. Oneness can hold both, allows both even in extremes. Oneness exists beyond discrepancy and opposites and is powerfully creative to construct anew. Your God-self has at some level allowed all this " pandemic pandemonium" into your reality anyway. The very nature of crisis is that it obliterates control so that we “have” to surrender our need for control and our old “truth “ gets blindsided. This is when a new unconditioned consciousness can emerge and we feel more powerful and free until we expand even further again and again. There are no limits. Nothing is separate from anything or anyone, good or bad, Our safety lies in our sovereign power to create reality anew IN SPITE OF APPEARANCES. and in spite of others’ realities or beliefs and in spite of our old beliefs, our experience as “proof” we were right. You are always right your because your consciousness and your perspective and reality are all your subjective creations.. Standing up for what we believe and for fairness and justice is NOT the same as needing everyone to have the same reality. Cultivating a deft discernment around others truth is maybe the key to navigating all this sanely and not leaking energy !!. WHAT KEEPS US SAFE ? You can sculpt your safety and freedom from within. My knowing is that WE are as we were created by LOVE. When we return to this purity we are immune to threat and to needing others’ realities to be the same on the understanding and with respect that each of us have our own soul trajectory to follow and learn from no matter how painful that is to witness. We cannot save others, we can only show possibilities as to how others can choose to save themselves. The challenge is - can we stand firm and still, in the safety of love. without opposite. Standing firm and compassionately allowing coexisting realities or beliefs to coexist could be the point of all the seeming "confusion" . You create/reclaim the original template of your safe loving reality from what you want to BE your reality in spite of appearances and in spite of the virus, or overwhelming stories of New world orders and conspiracy theories and so forth !!! You are not separate from any of it,no matter how dark it appears because you are EVERYTHING . But You have the enormous power of choice to sculpt EVERYTHING for you as apposed to against you.. We’ve been told this since forever. Now’s the time to create align and plug into our highest safest reality. LOVE WITHOUT OPPOSITE. If you don’t feel you have the power to do this its because you are holding a part of you as separate, small and insufficient and that gets projected onto threats outside of you. Nobody has to win or lose unless you enjoy that superiority/inferiority mindset still rooted in separation consciousness. Choose again. Your body holds the energy of separation within its ONENESS . And separation can be transformed. But you have to know how to shift your core soul energy to align what you want to identify with. That’s not an overnight job but its doable. The real storm that is fear starts within. Be the still center and watch it calm into submission.


Louise Smart CThA

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