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Once we have made our soul a priority, an immense realization and transformation can occur. There comes a defining moment when we recognize, feel and know deeply, that our soul is EVERYTHING. It is the quantum energetic cause of ALL that we experience "out there" even what we don't want, even the collective(s), all of which we witness according to our own consciousness based on our soul vibration. We call it ALL forth - everything in our lives,YES we call it ALL forth, !!!! But we don't remember calling it forth, until one day the penny drops and we just DO. Our ego usually initially resists this knowing that we ARE that powerful - YES ! And when we get energetically curious instead of judging - our world can open right up and be experienced from a stable,loving core of peace and ZERO LACK.. We experience "out there" what we ARE inside because Life/Soul is energetic, quantum and vibrational and completely interconnected as ONE.

THE HEART CONNECTION IS SUPREMELY CREATIVE All our strategising and trying to create our reality from our limited, logical linear, dualistic, separated mind (the way most of us have learnt, even paid good money to learn ) will fall away to reveal our sovereign power and consciousness to intentionally call forth our reality "out there" from an energetic foundation of love without opposition, within. To explain briefly, our human brain has two hemispheres hence its dualism, that creates duality/ separation from the energy of all the polarized beliefs we have been conditioned into and accepted as true over lifetimes eg good /bad, right /wrong, happy/unhappy ,respect/disrespect, abundance /lack. So when we are in our brain/mind and disconnected from our heart , and try to create from the mind alone,we get polarized results. We get what we desire, but, in time, (an interval in time IS just separation from the Oneness of now) we get the complete opposite. Not so fun eh !

To create our hearts desires without any downside- we have have to access to a deep sacred space in the heart that is hidden from us until we are ready and committed to build EVERYTHING FROM LOVE. Because. our heart has far, far greater power and wisdom than our brain and it won't be duped by our egos' "fear based getting" mentality. No-one can access this quantum creative power of the heart (to create without any negative downside), until they have done enough clearing their body of discordant energy - all the hurt, pain anger, fear resentment trauma etc has to go.. These discordant energies are "walls" blocking access to our hearts sovereign creative power.

When we don't like what we have unknowingly created, when we dont enjoy what we feel or witness in our reality or collective and are emotionally reactive, judgmental or intolerant , its because we have a discordant frequency like anger, hatred, helplessness,hurt, shame ,fear - inside us that is being triggered by whatever we see ,believe and resist "out there". All that we resist out there ,is a reflection of what we are holding inside and resisting looking at and dealing with from within..We do however have a choice to collapse this discordant energy and shift our reality.

When we have done enough inner work of collapsing all our inner resistances ,all opposition to LOVE within and have anchored enough LOVE/ LIGHT into our energy bodies, we can connect to our deep sacred heart space of creation and maintain a higher frequency which manifests as us experiencing things "out there" very differently. We may still see others bound up in their reactive dramas, still working through the density of separation consciousness, but we will know its "not my reality". Not from any sense of selfish detachment , but from a sense of compassionate empowered wisdom that can see the much bigger picture. We can help others effectively when we feel called to do so- but not from any sense of need,reactivity or ANY form of lack. This wisdom is freedom and it actualizes as power over our material life,to lead others by example and the capacity to build a new world based on Love.

SPECIAL OFFER - £185 normally £285 We need deft energy tools to deconstruct and clear the geometrics of the discordant frequencies/patterns we still carry inside. So if you want to kick start this month, and shift up your energy and gain powerful insight into your soul's perspective and purpose and get free of old dense discordant programming - then I have a special offer on my INTRODUCTORY ENERGY CLEARING AND FEEDBACK SESSION - in-depth overview and signup details here;

ENERGY SUPPORT FOR YOU , YOUR BUSINESS. AND LOVED ONES If you want to have high value energy support or/and guidance on a regular ongoing basis, at a very reasonable rate, you can choose from 3 options here to suit your needs. It is a great way to tune up your frequency and invite in a whole different reality from the inside out


BEING INCLUDED If you want to be included in my close circle and receive my energy updates,blog posts, personal invites to events, special offers, etc please email me and reference YES to updates here


Love Lou Louise Smart CThA


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