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When I look at people, I have a kind of Xray vision. I can see their compromise. I can see where they have not yet met or leaned into themselves deeply, let alone trust in the creativity and power of their own soul.

And so, there is an entrained unconscious pattern of deference. A deference to what their partner, parents, siblings, friends or colleagues are believing and doing. And whoever you defer to, has got their own pattern of deference where they too have given their power of choice in their life to a system, an ideology or someone else's values. There is a connective human chain of reluctance and fear inhibiting people to think and act for themselves.

And so, there is little original thought and even less original creativity or action. And when there IS original creative though or action, the masses dive headlong in the race to be and do the same!

When you peel back all these distorted ways that you give your power to others, you find yourself standing AS yourself. As you commit to doing this you find that your world does NOT implode unless you choose to project implosion or rejection or chaos with the power of your imagination - your creative mind. Do you see that whatever you choose IS your creative mind power.? If you choose to decide you are lovable and safe to think for yourself and to be yourself - you find out for yourself that YOU ARE. Noone else can discover that creativity, that truth, that freedom for you. You do it.

And by doing so, you discover how much of your energy has been bound up in other's fearful beliefs and their unquestioned unthinking obedience to a status quo. To a system of belief of one kind or another. When you peel away the layers of conditioned beliefs and historic obedience you discover your own unique unlimited soul light and your ability to choose what you want to make real for yourself without fear. That is a great freedom.

You wake up. You take responsibility without guilt or blame for yourself or others for all you have called forth and chosen to believe to date. And you get free. And you stop punishing yourself for your mistakes. When you choose to get free you come face to face with your fearful controlling sabotaging punitive ego self. It's amazing how persistent and sneaky our ego is. Because its power is often silent, lurking in our unconscious mind, embedded in our unhealed childhood, clinging to an identity as victim, living with imprints, soul contracts, ties and vows made in past lives. Or lives in different dimensions. The ego always uses the fearful past that it alone called forth to limit the freedom of choice of the REAL you to create anew in the here and NOW.

This is why I teach and use energy techniques with clients to be able to penetrate and undo the silent subconscious fears and patterns and all the ways we cling to others and our past instead of standing in our own authentic power NOW. That power is the light - love of our soul which is unbreakably connected to Source and lacks absolutely nothing. We have it all. Everything we need to live as a self-directed soul is ours to open to, accept and receive. We just have to want to choose to free ourselves from our own unconscious self-created bindings and enslavement to others' beliefs and fear-based systems. Including Karma.

I have over 25 years clinical and corporate experience in

● stress management

● emotional detox

● energy clearing for individuals and businesses

● self-sovereignty and soul empowerment programs.

If you would like to speak to me and you are financially ready to invest in your freedom and power to create your life truly aligned with the love of your soul, then book a FREE CONNECT CALL here.

In this free call we can discuss your life circumstances, your needs and any program currently on offer (see links below) OR we can talk about the option to create something tailored to your needs and available budget.

All Programs and offerings

Love Louise Louise Smart CThA

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